30 Nov Peace and Solitude on the Mountain Top
La Joya de Chicá is living Peace and Solitude high on the mountain top, the Rainforest on one side and a short hop to the Pacific Beaches of Panamá on the other. At first seeing this established citrus farm in 2005 to developing and building a dream boutique hotel in 2009/10 has been an extraordinary journey. Living this close to nature; and not just any old nature, but a tropical jungle version at every turn has been incredible.
From waking to monkeys swinging past the house to having Sloths, Toucans, Boas, Iguanas and the odd Ant-eater strolling through your yard or feral Horses who decide to stay and cut your grass for free, to every kind of other critter you can imagine. Step out of the house, and within feet you can start picking fresh Herbs, Vegetables, Bananas and a multitude of Citrus varieties, Papaya, Mangoes and Coconut.
The climate is perfect, the fresh mountain breezes are breathtaking along with the view and a killer sunset show. It’s a little piece of private heaven. https://www.facebook.com/LaJoyaDeChica
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